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Our Story

Started by Art Limberakis, My Uncle in 1979. He was a Greek immigrant that came  to the country without anything- just a dream of making it. Passed down to his son Chris when he passed away and now shared by Chris and I.


My family has remained true to our vision- that we will provide the best quality items, regardless of cost for us. We will never sacrifice our food quality due to food cost. We serve the highest quality, burgers, bacon, etc


What's your favorite item on the menu?

A lot of my favorite item(s) are actually on our breakfast menu- Greek French toast, fresh never frozen hash browns, and biscuits and gravy. From our lunch/dinner menu our bacon cheeseburger and hand cut/battered onion rings ​


Any perks to owning a burger joint?

Yes! The free employee meal  But really it’s the relationships that I see we have cultivated with our customers. Some have been been patrons since we opened out doors


Any upcoming plans for the business?

I would love to see our breakfast business grow, I feel like it’s the best kept secret in Twin. I am also painting, updating decor, replacing booths with a focus on keeping the lobby fresh and updated 


How do local eateries, such as yours, help make the Magic Valley a better place?

One reason I love Twin is we are rich in mom and pop shops. I love seeing all the local businesses. Our city can offer items you cannot find anywhere else and that makes us pretty special. We also are able to donate without having to go through corporate approval so more money can go back into our community.

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